Thursday, February 14, 2008

That's About The Size Of It.

I did a bit of a hex tile sizing study this morning to determine how appropriate my proposed hex tile size of 3" (edge to opposite edge) would be. Here's how it looks.

The dimensions shown based on the AutoCAD's extreme accuracy; I expect that the finished physical product will vary slightly from the dimensions shown. No matter though, the dimensions are close enough to indicate that a 3" hex tile is a good size.

I'm looking at a 3"x3" post it note, and imagining a 3" hex in relation to it, and I like the size. Allowing a 1/4" edge border around each hex for placing roads and settlements/cities, and providing a 7/8" diameter central 'plateau' for the numbered chit in the centre leaves me with a 13/16" wide (at the narrowest parts) ring in which to sculpt the tile's terrain.

The basic game will make a board that is a foot and three quarters wide by about a foot and a half. The expanded layout is longer, but maintains the foot and a half width. Since typical tables are at least two feet wide or more, this ought to make a perfectly sized playing surface.

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