Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Seeing the Forest for the Trees

I managed to do a whole lot more modelling of the papercraft hexes and such recently. So much so, in fact, that I've essentially completed the 3D modelling of the hexes; though I may revisit one or two models to clean them up a bit.

My remaining hexes were the Fields, Forests, Seas, and Harbours. They are now done; here they are for you viewing pleasure.

Keep in mind that these models are not showing their final skins; they're merely showing their shape. The actual final skins will be drawn onto them, using Inkscape, after they're unfolded.

And so, now there are two possible avenues for continuing work. I can either continue to finalize the hexes by going through the unfolding process and then importing them to Inkscape to skin them; or I can continue the modelling work by constructing the playing pieces - the roads, villages, cities, hex number blocks, resource type blocks, and so on.

I'm in the 3D modelling groove right now; so I think I'm leaning towards the latter course of action.

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