Friday, February 15, 2008

She's a Brick... House!

More graphics work during lunchtime yielded the faces for the Number Tokens - for both the basic set and the 5/6 player expansion, and the brick icon for the resource cards.

I haven't exported samples of the Number Tokens yet, but will do so eventually.

As for the icon for the Bricks, I used the original icon set as a guide, but diverged significantly. Rather than build an icon representing a disorganized pile of bricks, I went for a more stacked and organized appearance. I think it actually looks nicer than the original icon. I added a little bit of distressing to the bricks, to show chips and such on them. I may add more distressing later; I haven't decided - I don't want to overdo it.

So with the Bricks done, that leaves me with only the Ore/Mineral/Rocks to do. I think that'll be the most challenging icon yet; making an appealing yet clear icon of Ore will be tough.

Without further ado, here are the bricks:

Bricks Icon

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